Your Local Florist
Flowers brighten anyone’s day, they let others know that you’re thinking of them, they say “I love you”. Flowers allow us to express what words cannot, and this is why we offer a large selection of floral arrangements and bouquets for any occasion.
Any Occasion, Any Reason
Our floral department is lead by our expert florist, who comes with many years of experience and a passion for creating beautiful floral arrangements. We can craft the perfect bouquet for any occasion including birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s day, weddings and more! Stop by and talk with our floral department team to create the perfect floral arrangement and enjoy the added convenience of staying inside of your local grocery store.
Mary Lamarca
Floral Manager
"I love making floral arrangements and giving customers exactly what they want."

Floral Arrangements
Ready to buy bouquets or custom floral arrangements for any occasion.
Seasonal Offerings
- Hardy mums for Fall sourced from a local greenhouse- Hanging plant flowers sourced from a local greenhouse
- Poinsettias, fresh evergreen wreaths, and pines for Christmas
- Easter Flowers
- Tropical Plants
Our Guarantee
At DiMino’s Lewiston Tops, our customers are our priority. We’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you’re satisfied when you leave our store. This means stocking our shelves with high-quality products, providing exceptional customer service, listening to what our customers want, and keeping our store clean.